We run or support a number of local projects and outreach activities in the Southfields, Wandsworth, Putney, & Ackroydon areas.
Looking to volunteer?
If you would like to join our friendly team of volunteers please fill out the form below. You can commit to as many sessions as you like - weekly, monthly or just every now and then.
For more info. on any of the below contact gaby@stmikes-ststeves.org.uk
Community Lunch
Wednesdays 12-2pm at St Michael’s & Sundays 11:30 - 1pm at Ackroydon
We offer a twice weekly sit down hot lunch free of charge.
Mondays 12-2pm at St Michael’s.
We host Wandsworth Foodbank once a week, providing food, advice & support.
Tuesdays & Thursdays 10:30am - 2:30pm at St Stephen's Church
Our intergeneration community session with free activities & a light lunch.
Ukranian Supper
First Friday of the month from 6pm at Brathway Hall (SW18 4BE)
A monthly meal, English classes & time to connect for local Ukrainian refugees.
Glass Door Homeless Shelter
Saturdays (November -April) from 7pm St Michaels Church
We provide a hot three course meal & place to sleep for our homeless guests
St Mike’s Kitchen Garden
Growing vegetables for use at our Community Lunches & Food Bank
Open House
Mondays 10:30am-12pm Ackroydon Community Centre
Social club for elderly residents with lots of conversation, tea, coffee & cake.